This section is your own slice of Send us an email to with some pictures and a description of your project to get your handiwork showcased on! We welcome all contributions relating to compact and/or portable DIY Drum Kit Projects. Single drums are of course welcome too. here is our growing collection of
Readers DIY Drum Kit Projects
Derek’s DIY Jungle Kit
Derek sent us a couple of pictures of his own DIY Jungle kit following the instructions on It’s a nice 3-piece, all wrapped up in Walopus Birds Eye Maple Wood Grain Drum Wrap. Derek loosely based his version on our $100 Budget Jungle Drum Kit. As with our version, Derek’s also originates from a CB Craigslist find.
Steve’s Rhythm Traveler Restomization
“This Rhythm Traveler kit was a cheap find on Craigslist. It sits nicely in a corner of the basement taking up little space and delivering all the rhythmic diversion that I need at the moment.
After playing around on the kit for a few months, I decided to customize it a bit to better suit my taste. The drum shells were scuffed a bit and the black lugs and black wrap were not a combination that I liked.
After stripping off all the hardware and old wrap. I decided that the bare wood shells didn’t look all that nice for staining or wood dyes.
I looked at various finish options. Some of the drum wraps available today are great looking but were a bit more than I wanted to spend. No sense paying $125 or more to rewrap a kit that only cost $200.00. After weighing looks, ease of application and cost, I decided to go with a glossy antique gold sparkle vinyl upholstery fabric material instead of a more traditional wrap. I bought my material online from I bought a two yard sheet that came on 54” wide roll and is 72” long, for $29 plus shipping. You can get by with a single yard (54” X 36” sheet) to cover a complete R-T kit. If you do this you will need to piece the bass drum wrap in two segments as you will need about a 64” long piece to wrap the 20” bass drum in one section. The material cost for this vinyl is so low that I bought extra to experiment with and may cover an old CB-700 floor tom for use with my R-T kit.
The vinyl is very easy to work with. It’s very flexible and cuts and glues easily with contact cement and looks great.
Overall I really like the look of the “new” kit. The black lugs really contrast well against the gold wrap. Total cost for complete rewrap is about $55.00 which included wrap and contact cement and assorted supplies.”
Elaine’s Custom Snare Drum
“When the wrap on my favourite snare cracked and started falling off I decided to take the plunge and attempt my first re-wrap. Following your instructions I was successful at refinishing it using Walopus Exotic Rosewood wrap. It was much easier than I thought and now I’m looking for a project drum kit to re-wrap.”
Leo’s Compact, Portable Creations
Leo, AKA the Drum Monger makes portable, compact drum kits for drummers in California. Leo has a whole website about his creations:
Leo can be reached at if you’d like to check with him about making a custom kit for you.
Here are a couple of Leo’s most recent projects.